Kristijan Glavanović 应用

News about Android™ 1.1
If you want to stay up to date with whathappens in the Android™ World this app is what you need.News for Android™ will show you the content of these rssfeeds:* Android and me* Phandroid* Talk Android* Android Guys* Droid Life* Android Central* Android Police* Android AuthorityMore sites will be added soon. If you want another site to beincluded in the list, please send us an email.Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with any ofthe blogs and sites cited here. The content the app shows comesfrom publicly available rss feeds and thus the app is not to beheld responsible for any of the content displayed.
Smartphone Novosti 3.3.2
Ako želite ostati u korak s najnovijimvijestima s najpopularnijih Smartphone portala u regiji, koristiteAndroid, iOS ili Windows mobile, ova aplikacija ima na jednomemjestu sve što vam treba.Smartphone Novosti donosi najnovije vijesti s ovih portala:- androidmobitel.comViše portala će biti dodano uskoro. Ako želite još neki od vašihomiljenih portala da bude uključen u sam program, molimo Vas da nampošaljete e-mail.Ova aplikacija nije povezana, niti u vezi s bilo kojim blogom iweb stranicom navedenom ovdje. Sadržaj aplikacije pokazuje se izjavno dostupnih RSS feedova te nije odgovoran za bilo koji odsadržaja.If you want to stay instep with the latest news from the most popular Smartphone portalsin the region, using Android, iOS or Windows mobile, theseapplications have in one place all you need.Smartphone News brings the latest news from this portal:- Androidmobitel.comMore pages will be added soon. If you want some more of yourfavorite portals to be included in the program, please send us ane-mail.This application is not affiliated nor related to any blogs andwebsites listed here. The content of the application is shown frompublicly available RSS feeds and is not responsible for any of thecontent.